Digital room directory
All the Guests queries about the room answered immediately
Standard function from
TV channels, menus, and much more. The hotel information folder in the room, also called the ABC folder. With GuestCompass, all this information is digital. So if something changes, everything will change immediately. No need to print again. A nice cost saving on time and print. In addition, all information is at one place for both the guest and the employees.
Free from our Large package
Some advantages at a glance:
- No more printing
- An adjustment is done in no time and immediately implemented everywhere
- Hygiene, do we still have to explain this?
- The room folder is digital and therefore ‘interactive’:
– Need an extra pillow? There is a form that the guest fills in immediately.
– Contact with the reception? There is a call link or chat button immediately - You no longer need a room phone, which is a considerable extra saving!
What can we do for you?
Fill in the form below and we’ll get in touch with you.