Ticket sales

Upsell with your ticketing partner on your own GuestCompass

Standard function from

For your personal recommendations in the area you normally use our central pages. But you may be working with a company that sells tickets for you. Of course you don’t want to miss the sales commission. Then we can put your ticket partner in the GuestCompass.

This has several advantages:

  • You will not miss out on sales, because the guest buys the tickets directly from you instead of on the attraction’s website
  • You will sell more, because you do not have to inform your guests separately about the ticket sale. Also nice for your ticket partner
  • You have less clutter at the counter. Point your customers to the GuestCompass, with our activation we help you with that. But that is no longer necessary for your tickets, because they are all there.
  • Greenkey: Less use of paper and other printed matter.

Our advice

There are more parties, the main thing we always recommend is: make sure it is not an app, and that it can be done in your house style. If you want to know whether we can integrate your ticket partner, or if you need advice on joining a party, you can always contact us for objective advice.

What can we do for you?

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